I started writing a new book yesterday, and I’m writing it in a notebook my son gave me for Christmas. It’s vintage leather and recycled paper—rustic and old-school—just the way I like it. The book is a 365 Day journey of adventure. Adventures in creativity, travel, family and spirituality, the inspiration behind them and tips on cultivating an adventure-filled life will fill the pages of this beautiful notebook.
I have shelves full of old notebooks and I always have one in my handbag in case I want to write something. Over the years, I’ve built up a collection of scribble-filled notebooks and I plan to fill many more.
It may seem old-fashioned or even archaic to write in a notebook rather than type on an Apple Notebook, but I like the tactile nature of pen on paper. Every book I write has been first drafted in a notebook before being typed into a computer document.

My next book: Scarlett Love written in a blue polka dot notebook.
I have been given a few different notebooks in the last few weeks. A Work Book with quote cards for a vision board from a friend.
The leather one from my son. A beautiful travel themed one from my daughter and a Paris one from my sister.
A new notebook is so exciting and filled with possibilities and represent an adventure of the mind. The possibility that the scribbles with snatches of overheard conversations, quotes, inspirations, ideas and drafts will be transformed into articles, short stories and books makes these notebooks an invaluable tool to me as a writer.
I’d love you to join me on an adventure-filled journey in 2015. Adventure in the everyday is achievable. It’s a way of life that can be cultivated. Follow the journey #365adventure.