Bookstore Tour USA/Canada: Elliott Bay Book Company Seattle

Road trips with my photographer husband involve a lot of driving long distances and

waiting for the right light for photos.

The trade off is that whenever we get to a new town or city, I get to look for a stunning

bookstore, either with a café in it, or a great one nearby.

Let’s face it coffee and books belong together.



















Our recent trip to the US and Canada began in Seattle where I visited the Elliott Bay Book Company in Capitol Hill.

In Amazon’s hometown, it was lovely to visit an independent bookstore where authors visit, and there are staff who actually know about, and like, books.

The store was filled with people of all ages. The traditional, independent bookstore is not dead—even though many predict its passing.

I think old-school bookstores like the Elliott Bay Book Company are becoming shopping destinations. This is a “real” bookstore. It’s  a large bookstore with huge variety. The foreign language and travel sections were excellent.


I really liked that there were hand written staff reviews of books all over the place.

There were little reading nooks dotted around the store to create a few hidden corners where customers can peruse books and feel at home.


The children’s section is a fun destination to take children for an outing on a rainy day.


Wood floors, stacks and stacks of books, helpful sales people, a wonderful selection of reading material— all wrapped up in an indie creative space—make it a delight place to visit.

You can even purchase a cake and coffee afterwards in the comfortable café.


If you order most of your books from Amazon, and want to enjoy the sensual experience of smelling real books, talking to people, picking up books and examining the cover’s texture and the weight of a book in your hand, visit Elliott Bay.

 What did I buy?

Does Jesus Really Love Me?  By Jeff Chu

A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas by Warren Berger

Find out more about this café here:

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