Love, Justice

I’m very happy to announce that my latest book Love, Justice #2 in the Beautiful Lives Series has been released as an eBook. The print version will be out next month.

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Justice grew up with a father who couldn’t settle down. He left his family to pursue travel and relationships around the world. Each partner seems to get younger.

Since she was four years old, it’s just been Justice, Mum and brother, Micah.

Justice sees the injustice in the world and gets frustrated that she can’t do anything significant about it. She has a sponsor child in Rwanda, but she wants to do so much more.

World peace, an end to end poverty and justice for all become her goals, especially after she meets Seth, the charismatic boy with dreadlocks and sea-green eyes at a peace rally.

Just when she is figuring things out and becoming involved in the peace movement, her father returns. He brings Emily with him, a young woman who is now supposed to become a part of their family.

Dad assumes they will accept Emily, but has no concept of the emotions this will stir up.

Sometimes life isn’t fair, but we have to find a way to do the right thing.



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If you’d like to read Love, Justice you can find it here:



Google Play:



If you’d like to win a copy of the print version when it comes out, go to my Facebook page and like the post about Love, Justice.


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If you say you came from this website, I’ll add a copy of Perfect Mercy #1 Beautiful Lives Series as a bonus!


Happy Reading!

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