Flights of Adventure: #365adventure

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein

To live an adventurous life, you need to see the world with fresh eyes, like that of child. A child is filled with wonder, curiosity and imagination without the self-consciousness we develop as adults. That’s why reading a story to a child is a form of adventure. The other day I was lying in a teepee with a two and a half year-old boy reading Spot the Dog stories. His little head was leant against mine and his hands curled around my arm as he snuggled in. We read of Spot the Dog having a birthday, playing hide-and-seek and show-and-tell.

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Escaping into another world of stories and listening to his responses was precious—especially as we were in a teepee. The scene was ripe was adventure as our imaginations soared.

The funniest book I’ve read for a while is The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak. I bought several copies and have read it numerous visiting children this summer. Their laughter is infectious and the fun of reading this book makes my heart sing.

As the title indicates, the book doesn’t have illustrations, therefore the reader/listener has to imagine. As a reader, writer and former teacher, words are my passion. As a parent I read to my children and instilled in them that reading was a portal to other worlds, places and times. That a book can take you places you can dream about and imagine yourself in. Reading to a child is a gift.

As a child my mum would buy a Golden Book for me each week. At the time they were 25c a pop. (It was a long time ago!) and I still have lots of them on my shelf. My dad woulds sit me on his lap and read the book over and over until I knew it off by heart. I could read well before I went to school and loved reading more than anything—even more than riding my trike (a close second!)


The cosiness of a child on your lap, the snuggles and the enjoyment of imagining with a child is a wonderful adventure.


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Photo by Steve Fraser

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