The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge: Day 11

The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge: Day 11

Each one of us has creativity lurking in the recesses of our minds. I’m sure you have times when you’ve itched to bake something just for fun or planted some new flowers in your garden because you liked the colour or maybe you’ve been loving colouring in one of those adult colouring books. Whatever it is that inspires you to create is a sign that creativity lives in you.


Jewels  come out of following your creativity and allowing it free reign in your life.

One of the things I loved about teaching was finding something that each student loved to do. One student loved to dance, act and co-directed a school production with me when he was fourteen. He now works for Disney.

Another student loved drawing and telling stories. Each year my Yr 8 students would make children’s books and hers was outstanding. She sent it off for publication at the age of thirteen. It didn’t get published at the time, but I loved that she was brave enough to try and strong enough to ride out the rejection. She now works as a primary teacher and inspires a whole new generation of young writers.

I had a meeting today with a guy I used to teach about producing a book. He has PHD in English and works in a communication and marketing role. He gets to produce books, marketing campaigns and events.


These three examples show how creativity is not just about creating art pieces, writing a book, becoming a music star or being famous. We all have something in us that needs discovering.


I love that when I mentor people who want to write a book I see jewels. I actually see books forming in my head as they speak. I see the potential. I see the creativity in them that they have discovered and I love helping to bring it out.



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