So You Think You Can Dance? Pt 3

The Dance Between Stepping Out and Insecurity

Creating something is a dance between the adventure of stepping out and insecurity. We all have self- doubt. We all have the thought every now and then of, “Who am I to do this?”

Insecurity and fear can bring us to a halt. We need to develop the bravery required to focus on what our calling is. I think we all have that inner voice that gives us the vision and purpose in what we are supposed to write about.

Life is short and fragile and, if you put things off, you may never do what you want to you. A few years ago I went on a tandem parachute jump. Stepping out of a perfectly good airplane, strapped to a guy with a chute via a thin piece of webbing and a metal clasp was a step of faith.


I felt the same way when embarking on my first book, indeed I have that feeling every time I begin a new project. Knowing who you are and what you are doing it for helps you to step out of insecurity, and into the adventure of creating something.

Albert Camus wrote, “On the ridge where the great artist moves forward, every step is an adventure, an extreme risk. In that risk however, and only there, lies the freedom of art.”


So, Do You Think You Can Dance In 2015?

I’m learning to put more structure in place so that the books in my imagination become a reality. The motivation to push ahead and keep working on more books in 2015 is rising as 2014 fades into the past. It’s time to take the leap of faith required to make dreams a reality.

Dancing with any coordination is not my natural strength, but in a creative sense I can dance with spirit and enthusiasm. The Bible encourages us to not to doggedly plod through life, even though that’s what a lot of writing work involves, but ‘in a living, spirited dance.’  

I like that image and hope that in 2015 the creative adventure I’m on will be a living spirited dance.

What dance steps will you take in 2015?


#365adventure is a book lover’s year of adventures. Adventures in travel, friendship, family, soul, heart and, of course, book stores!

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