The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge: Day 19 The creative life means we are in it for the process, not just the final product. Too many people are looking to just create that one piece that will bring them fame or fortune, but for most of us, break-even or gratis is what we end up […]
Tag Archives: #Adventures
The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge: Day 19
The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge Day 15
The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge Day 15 Being free from fear of being wrong is essential to the creative process. Too often our perfectionism turns into fear which turns into procrastination which morphs into atrophy. I have a book I finished writing a few months ago now and I’ve begun editing it AGAIN as […]
The One Hundred Day Creative Challenge: Day 7
Everyone is creative in some way, shape or form. Some of us make things. Some of us think differently. Some of us make people laugh. Some of us can pull things apart and out them back together. What is it that drives this creativity and why do we have it? I love that my […]
Let Go and Believe
Dear Brené, Well, we’ve made it to the end of Rising Strong. When I embarked on the adventure of an online book club with Amanda and Jodie, I didn’t realise how exposed we’d all feel by the process. Amanda, Jodie and I have something in common—if we do something, we do it wholeheartedly. Maybe that’s […]
You’re Fat: Friday Book Club
For the last three weeks, Jodie, Amanda and I have been having a conversation in our online book club. The conversation has been challenging and rewarding. From Rumbling With the Dark Side, to being an Emotional Ninja to The Reckoning we’ve all been through an emotional tumble dryer. Our lives have been shaken, stirred and shifted […]
Rising Strong: The Physics of Vulnerability
Dear Brené, I hope you don’t mind me calling you Brené. I’ve never met you in person, but I’ve read your books and watched your TED talks and feel like I know you. In Rising Strong you give voice to so many things I feel, but haven’t been able to articulate. You’ve given me a language […]
What’s the Point?
What if money was no object? What would you do? Doing what you desire, becoming a master of it and then making money from it makes sense. Doing something you hate to perpetuate that life journey doesn’t make any sense. If money is the only goal then life is pretty empty and pointless. I often […]
Bella Italia
‘Bella Donna!’ A man says as he approaches and thrusts his smiling face in front of mine with a quick glance up and down. If this happened in my home city, I’d be worried. If anyone invades your personal space and makes some comment, you’d feel threatened. Here, in Florence, it’s a part of the […]